Code Read’s collection of links to keep kids entertained and educated during isolation periods

While Australia is yet to implement wholescale school closures, many anticipate this will eventually occur as it has in 107 countries (as of 18th March). Temporary, individual school closures will continue to occur as the number of COVID-19 cases rise. Some families have withdrawn their children, for various reasons.

Code REaD Dyslexia Network (CRDN) would like to assist families, schools, and teachers by directing them to appropriate resources, many free or low cost, to assist during any school closure period.

The volume of very generous sharing of free, or reduced cost education resources on social media, may seem overwhelming. With the help of CRDN members who are teachers and structured literacy specialists we have tried to sift through much of what has been shared to create a list of resources geared toward dyslexic learners.

We will attempt to add to this document as more resources become available.

School Contingency Plans

All States and Territories have emergency education contingency processes, and schools are working very hard to work through how they support students and families during any closure.

Schools will provide families with varying degrees of resources, but families will not be expected to teach new content during times of forced school closures.

Digital Learning Management Systems allow efficient communication between school and families. Lesson plans, powerpoints, web links, assessment tasks and rubrics can be uploaded. Many systems facilitate messenger communication between students, families, and school. Some examples used in Australian schools include:

  • Daymap
  • ClassDojo
  • Edmodo
  • Google Classroom

Collaboration platforms that support live-video communication

Mobile reading applications

Specialist/Therapist support

Many families have external specialist support. Your specialist will communicate with you how they might continue support during this time. Some may have capacity for webinars, Skype, Zoom etc

Supplementary learning content for families and schools

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum is developing free videos for families and schools to download:

Parker Phonics – free resources:

Phonics International – free resources:  A Series of 8 eBooks : ‘Alphabetic Code and Phonics Skills’ .As well as systematic and incidental phonics material for nursery aged children or pre-schoolers as open access: ‘Phonics and Talk Time’ and ‘Teeny Reading Seeds’

Nessy – free to schools, once school closure is confirmed:

Reading Bear – free phonics lessons and exercises / games:

Sounds-Write – Part 1 of their course is free, and increasingly more is being offered:

SPELD-SA – lots of free resources:

Spellaroo – free online spelling game

Starfall – practice your phonics skills with these read-along stories:

Tiny Steps Make Big Strides – free resources and games:

Touch Type Read and Spell are offering 4 weeks free access to schools who have closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak:

Dictionary, Etymology, and Morphology

Dictionary of the British English Spelling System – free pdf version:

Etymology Online – free:

Membean – free morphology aide:

Online Games – Morphology Grades 4-8


The Writing Revolution – free access to resources:

Brave Writer – free webinars (US based but is recording webinars)

General curriculum support

Core Knowledge Curriculum, provides open access to content-rich curriculum materials for preschool through grade 8

Ditch the Textbook – e-learning activities:

Khan Academy – free – many resources across various topics:

Kids News – free:–K5MugnPs2RQ0WiE6gfrXMXJvQduDmJ0yc

Mammoth Memory – free – revision assistance across various topics:

Online history classes for all ages preteen through adults:


Mangahigh – free – over 700 maths activities:

Math Flips, flashcards with a problem on the front and a similar problem on the back (instead of a problem and an answer) to encourage relational thinking rather than answer-getting:

Maths Online – discounts apply for current home schoolers, and will be extended when families decide to keep children home, or in the event of school closures. Families need to contact and will be sent a link:

Mr Barton Maths – range of maths links here:

Padlets and Wakelets

The Complete Kastner Collection:

The Reading League Pennsylvania:

Teach my Kid to Read:

Research tools


National Geographics Kids:

Wonderopolis, explore the wonders of the world:

Miscellaneous, fun and interesting resources

Architecture 101 – free

Berliner Philharmoniker – free access to their Digital Concert Hall:

12 international museums you can visit online:

Under The Sea – Georgia Aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium Has Live Cams So You Can Go Under The Sea At Home (VIDEO)

Virtual Activities Online: A collection of links to live webcams, virtual tours/field trips, and other miscellaneous academic sites:

The San Diego Zoo has a live webcam for animals:

Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover:

Geography with National Geographic:

Children’s books read by famous people:

Story Time from Space

National Gallery of Victoria Virtual Tour

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